Friday, March 20, 2020

SPECIAL: COVID 19 Artist Resources

I’m assembling a list of resources for our field specific to the COVID 19 situaiton. The images below were made by my friend Ricardo Levins Morales, check out his website for inspiration.

I will keep updating as I become aware of opportunities. I know we are struggling right now, but if we help each other we will get through this, hopefully with a deeper appreciation of how interconnected we and all things are. Keep in touch and drop me a line, let me know how you are doing and if I can help in any way.

Youth and Education

Learning Heros
Education Week
Art Making Activities for Your Kids
Future Ed (summer camp)
City of Philadelphia Mural Arts Homeschool

Arts and Medicine

Center for Arts and Medicine

Entertainment and Events

Pen Podcast
This limited-run podcast, "The PEN Pod," is meant to provide regular updates and conversations about literature and free expression, and provide an outlet for our in-person events that have been postponed or canceled.

Financial Resources for Working Artists

Atrium: Federal Resources 

Emergency Grants for Female Artists Over 40

Writers Emergency Fund

Working Visual Artists Fund

NYFA Emergency Resource List

General Resource List

Teaching Artist Resources

Freelance Artists

Financial Resources

Tool Box - these sites have been updateed with Emergency COVID-19 Resources

Alternate Roots

Center for the Study of Art and Community

Americans for the Arts Interactive Resource and Response 


Online emergency preparedness service by and for arts/cultural nonprofits

Transitioning to an online workplace 

Digital Tools for Artists to Run a Remote Career During Coronavirus

City of Philadelphia Mural Arts Program
Overview: Keeping Our Small Arts Non Profits and Business Open During this Crisis

In our personal and business lives there are things with our control, action steps that will help us continue our work given the changes around us.

Develop (local/neighborhood) Plan for Continuity
        1) Planning, Communication, Training
        2) Threat Assessment
        3) Activate Plan
        4) Once crisis is over: Evaluate Plan/ record and store.

Communicate with stakeholders to categorize and assign tasks (who will do what):

        Mission critical  - working on site
        Mission critical - working remotely
        non-critical -     working remotely
        non-critical -     non-remote work

3) Develop a process for situational awareness. Identify reliable sources of information.

    John Hopkins -
   Center for Disease Control
   Local/County Health Department
    Mayors Office, City Council Members, Department Heads
    Pima County

4) Check Supply Chains for Vulnerabilities
        Check as far down the supply chain as possible
        Identify alternative vendors
        Self Produce
        Check Supply chains daily/hourly as needed

5) Promote Good Health Habits
        Washing Hands
        HEPA Filters
        Cleaning Supplies (Lysol, Bleach, Hand Sanitizer, Soap)
        Self Containment
        6 feet distance
        Hand Washing Stations

6) Assessment of Community Travel
        Identify modes of transportation
        Identify alternative modes of transport
        Plan car travel: call ahead to make sure gas stations are open along your route
        If flying wear medical mask, use wet wipe to wash down seating area and consoles.
        Get outside, hike, bike, walk, run - maintain 6 feet distance, use common sense.

7) Inventory Supplies
        Clean all items
        On line inventory
