Registration is now open for the youth Arts & Civic Engagement Program for youth every Saturday, 2-6pm for youth 10-18 at starting this September, 2014. The program features fine arts, movement, writing, life skills, homework help, field trips and visiting artists.
The ACE’s program emerged from several years of funding provided by the Tucson Pima Arts Council “PLACE” initiative. This funding helped create multi-level fine arts programming, curriculum, assessment and tracking that builds on state and federal standards in the fine arts and workforce readiness. The ACE program is demonstrating that the tools, techniques and practice of making works of art is critical to an in depth civic engagement experience.
The ACE's program includes homework help, creative writing, dance, visual arts, financial literacy, workforce readiness, filed trips, know your rights and service projects. Each week includes looking at, taking about, creating and reflecting on our creative process.
ACE Master Program (*Registration Required)
Saturdays 2 - 6pm
Ages: 10 - 18
Location: ArtLand Studios
Dates: Sat. Sept 20 - Dec 13, 2- 6pm
Materials Fee: $185./ $20 per session
The ACE’s Master Class is a college preparatory program for young artists that meets Saturdays from 2-6pm in an intensive studio environment. This unique atelier experience prepares gifted & talented visual artists for art school, and life as a working artist.
Using professional art supplies students are exposed to traditional and new tools, techniques, concepts and practices in the visual arts. Each session Includes intensive painting and drawing exercises as well as individual work time.
Students develop and lead individual and group civic engagement projects based on their shared interests and concerns. This program is limited to 10 students who submit examples of their work with their application.
Engagement Sites:
Engagement Sites:
1) Central City Assembly (CCA) 939 S. 10th Ave
2) Tucson International Alliance of Refugee Communities (TIARC) 4224 E. Grant Road
3) Maintaining inventory of more than 20 Tucson murals and public art sites.
To apply for the ACE Master Sat Program: